Step 1: Contains your opening html, head, & title code.

Copy the text in the box below, and paste it here

Step 2: Contains the scripts for Host, Port, & Channel prompts. As well as Chatinputform, Whisper panel, Current time, Who's in the room, Away from keyboard, & Hey I'm back.

Copy the text in the box below and paste it here

Step 3: Contained here are your buttons. There are two kinds of buttons;
Type 1 will post text to the chat room as soon as you click the button.
Type 2 will show you a prompt like this then post the text.

Below are templates for both kinds of buttons, just add what you want them to say, where you see these---> #######

Type 1, copy text from below and paste it here

If you want more Type 1 buttons, copy the same text from above but change the function addBut1 to function addBut2 and addBut3 and so on.

Type 2, copy text from below and paste it here

If you want more Type 2 buttons, copy the same text from above but change the function addPop1 to function addPop2 and addPop3 and so on, be sure to change pop1 everywhere you see it.

Step 4: Contains the script code for your inputs, sidebar, Chat Screen,

Copy the text below and paste it here

Step 5: Contains the form codes for your buttons & Popups.

Copy the text below and paste it here.

Remember all the buttons you made? To get them all to show up on your IRC, repeat the code above, replacing But1 and Pop1 like you did before.

Be sure to keep the buttons in the table.

If you fill up one row, start another table start a second.

Step 6:Copy the text below and paste it here

Step 7: Copy all the text you have pasted below, and paste it to your home page editor.

Click here to copy the text.

Paste your text then hit your back button.